Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Coccygodynia: A Case Report of Post-Traumatic Pelvic Floor Pain Due to Myofascial Trigger Points

Coccygodynia has been termed a “pain in the rear.” The painful coccyx first coined as “coccygodynia” some 150 years ago is still a misunderstood symptom that affects women more frequent- ly than men and most often after a traumatic incident.  Sixty percent of patients with common coccygodynia present with mechanical coccygeal lesions that most frequently follow a fall onto the buttocks.  Forty percent of the patients with coccygodynia present with normal alignment and proper function of the coccyx with “idiopathic” causes. Recently, a significant study implied that coccygodynia is primarily due to physical pathology rather than a manifestation of an underlying neurosis. Read the article

Patient Perceptions About Chiropractors and Primary Care

Patient perceptions in New Mexico about doctors of chiropractic functioning as primary care providers with limited prescriptive authority.

Abstract available at:

Back Pain and Chronic Dehydration

This article describes some observations about a possible connection between not drinking enough water and suffering from back pain. The guest author is James Lehman, DC, who is a professor of orthopedics and neurology at the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic.  Read on…

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

The Eppley Manuever may be performed in order to resolve BPPV if the cause is otolithic….