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What is Integrative Medicine?

The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine developed and adopted the definition of integrative medicine during 2004 and subsequently edited the definition during 2009.

Definition of Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine is the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.

The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine membership includes 46 highly esteemed academic medical centers.  The organization is supported by membership dues and grants from philanthropic partners including the Bravewell Collaborative.

The mission of the Consortium is to advance the principles and practices of integrative healthcare within academic institutions. The Consortium provides its institutional membership with a community of support for their academic missions and a collective voice for influencing change.

Integrate Yourself with Mainstream Medicine

Chiropractic physicians should learn to integrate into the healthcare system through mainstream medicine.  The Affordable Care Act currently includes chiropractic physicians as members of patient-centered, holistic healthcare teams.  This is the 21st. Century and the chiropractic profession should no longer be isolated, separate and distinct from the medical profession.  It is time to improve access to chiropractic care by marketing your services to medical doctors.  I suggest that chiropractic physicians interested in the process to read my article in Dynamic Chiropractic.

Integration of Chiropractic Care into the Military

Dr. William Morgan has been providing chiropractic services at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland for the past ten years (1998-2008). While he cares for our nation’s heroes and our nation’s leaders, he also participates in medical research projects. I found the study that reported a high patient satisfaction rate with military personnel receiving chiropractic services to be of interest. Check it out.

In addition to having highly satisfied patients, the study found that chiropractic care could recover a significant number of workdays: “Integrating chiropractic care into the MHS will result in improved access to health care services for military personnel and will lead to the recovery of between 111,000 and 331,000 additional duty days per year.”

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

The Eppley Manuever may be performed in order to resolve BPPV if the cause is otolithic….

Dizziness and Vertigo


It is not unusual for a chiropractic physician to evaluate a patient following a whiplash type injury, blow to head, or a fall, which caused injury to the neck and/or head. These patients frequently complain of headaches, neck pain, and dizziness. It is safest to visit the emergency room immediately following any injury that causes headaches, neck pain, or dizziness. If you are suffering with recurring dizziness or vertigo, you might best visit a chiropractic neurologist or chiropractic orthopedist for evaluation of the upper neck and inner ear.

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Low Back Pain and Chiropractic Treatment


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published a document Acute Low Back Problems in Adults: Assessment and Treatment, which states that “Low back problems affect virtually everyone at some time during their life.” While this document published by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, claims that low back pain is the most common cause of disability for persons under age 45, it also recognizes the value of spinal manipulation as a safe and effective treatment for individual suffering with acute low back pain. The American Chiropractic Association has stated that about 40% of this same population has visited a chiropractic physician for health care services. In spite of managed care regulations, which have made it more difficult for many of their subscribers to access chiropractic benefits, more and more Americans seek chiropractic health services as an alternative to drugs and surgery for relief of their low back pain problems.

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Why Should You See a Chiropractor?

As a practicing chiropractor with over 33 years of clinical experience, I have treated many patients who have said, “If I knew that I was going to feel this good, I would have come for treatment years ago.” I have wondered why this is so common? I think frequently people with chronic pain in the spine have been advised not to seek out chiropractic services. Some neurologists advise patients and primary care physicians that cervical (neck) manipulations are dangerous. I have heard some of my patients report strange beliefs regarding chiropractic care. They have stated that they were told that if they went to a chiropractor, they would have to keep coming forever. That one just makes me scratch my head and wonder where such myths about chiropractic treatment originate.

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Childhood Ear Infections (Otitis Media)


Pediatricians commonly see children for colds and middle ear infections (otitis media). In fact, the National Center of Health Statistics claimed that during 1975 – 1990 otitis media was the most common diagnosis for physician office visits by children under age 15. It is also one of the leading reasons for a child’s visit to the chiropractic physician. Otitis media may be a new (acute) condition or a recurring (chronic) problem. There may be swelling in the middle ear. The child with Otitis media may be in pain or pain-free. There is a tremendous amount of uncertainty regarding the causes, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment of otitis media in the United States.

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